Wednesday 10 November 2010

peer feedback of opening sequence of children's film.

1. conventions of an opening sequence: title production name and companies, characters established, children's themes and ideas.

2. specific genre conventions: fantasy/action, intense music to fit children's film genre.

3. variety and quality of camera work: quite a few different shots could be more advanced, good use of transitions.

4. use of special effects - animation: good use of bullet time and voice overs,

5. sound quality and effectiveness: sound track could have been better and would of been better if it did not cover the dialog. however the sound track was good.

6. use of mise-en scene: could have used costume and better/more props, good use of environment they were in,

7. use of editing: used a lot of editing and effects but transitions could have been improved,

8. best features from the opening sequence: the storyline and narrative, the use of dialog, the idea of the imaginary friend, the theme of the narrative,

group feed back

self evaluation for children's film. some of the conventions we included in our production were, a title and names of producers and actors and production company names, another convention we used is the establishment of main and sub characters in the first 5 minutes of the movie. the specific conventions to fit the genre which was fantasy/action/family/adventure, we used were, intense music to fit the genre type and to add to the mood and atmosphere to the product. we used some variety of camera work to capture the main essence of our opening scene. some of the shots we used were; establishing shots, these are commonly used in children's film to introduce the main characters in the opening scene so the audience are aware quickly who the film develops around. another camera shot we used was reaction shots and close ups, again this also its the genre of a children's film and again it makes it clearer to the audience what the characters are feeling and are like. we used some special effects in our opening sequence for example, we used bullet time to emphasis a fight scene and to make it visually interesting to our target audience. we did not wear costume and the props that we used could have been better. however we did use the set and environment we were in well. for the editing aspect of our opening sequence we used a lot of jump cuts to emphasis the action in the scene and to add to the tense atmosphere. however the transitions we used to cut from shot to shot could have been more clear and more smooth.

Rohan Ilett

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