Monday, 1 November 2010

One convention that this opening sequence has that it is domestic which is commonly used in children’s films; therefore the audience would expect that the target audience is for children. The genre of this film is Animation, Action, Adventure; Comedy which again would appeal to a younger audience. The characterisation of the characters would appeal to a younger audience as well for example; the blob character called “bob”, he seems to be stupid and dim witted, this would make the audience laugh at his foolish actions. Another convention used in this opening sequence is that it is made by “DreamWorks” which is associated with producing films that would appeal to a younger audience.         
It also has the convention of including a hero and a villain, and the hero overcomes the villain in the end to conclude on a happy ending which again would please and appeal to a younger audience. The TBBF for this film is “U”, which implies that it is suitable for any audiences but in particular children. This film does fit with the genre of children’s film because it has the main elements within it to imply and portray that it is targeted at a younger audience.

Rohan Ilett 

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